A school gunman you didn't hear about

Deputy Carolyn Gudger (AP photo)
August 30, 2011--a gunman attempted to gain entry to a Tennessee high school. He was thwarted by armed school resource officer Carolyn Gudger, who held him at bay until more officers arrived. The responding officers, finding the gunman still in an intractable mood, shot him dead. 

That is how school shooter incidents are supposed to work. You did not hear about Deputy Gudger's heroism in the national news. You will not hear about it as the discussion rages about armed guards at schools. Here are some local stories about it:

The New York Times ran a snippet at the time, and some photos, but nothing about the salient fact of the whole matter: An armed guard posted at a school to serve and protect did just that, and saved the day. 

Deputy Gudger ought to be a national hero--read the articles--but no one has heard of her very far outside of Blountville, Tennesee. 

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