2014 midterms were a beginning, I hope
It is premature to say that the American electorate has awoken. They still don't seem fully to understand that they are being bribed with their own money. They still switch on the TV news. They send their kids off to socialist indoctrination at school, or something that is too near it for comfort.
Still, anti-Obama sentiment carried Republicans to substantial victories yesterday. An interesting snippet from the Internet news sphere notes that all of the successful GOP Senate candidates campaigned against Obamacare.
Obama is offering defiance to the Republicans, post election, threatening vetoes and executive orders. He is so completely the blind ideologue that he cannot imagine that he is not in the right: he deeply believes that his ideas naturally reflect the right way forward. What the Democrats need to live down, and they may never manage to do it, is that they went lockstep with this guy's every whim, every dream, every half baked idea for six whole years. Then they pretended that they were not Team Obama when the election came around, and ran away from their President. O-who? Never heard of him! America's voters more readily forgive liars than fools, which is why the Democrats got as far as they did, over the decades, and why they lost big this time.
Upset victories in midterm elections are not uncommon, and it remains to be seen whether Republicans are smart enough to make this victory stick in 2016 and beyond. To keep their momentum they need to deliver on what they said: turn back the tide of rising Obamunism. Everybody knows how Obama created a disaster with health care 'reforms,' entitlements and debt, crony deals, government intrusions and overreach and general sneakiness. But are the Republicans gutsy enough to substantially undo those things before the next election? At the very least they need to make trying to do so a battle royal, if they are to sustain their credibility.
Update: From the retrospective perspective (retroperspective?) of 2015 things look rather different.

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